How to use the wiki
Pages and namespaces
Information resides in pages. Each page belongs to a "namespace", which is Dokuwiki's way to name collections of pages which can have their own access parameters, indexing, table of contents etc. We have already created the following namespaces for E-CURATORS, and normally new pages should reside on one of them:
Namespace | Intended use |
Research | E-CURATORS research notes, background information, methods and procedures, lists of contacts and resources, internal reports, links to public release reports, publications and presentations |
Technical | Server installation, administration and relevant howtos on the digital and technical infrastructure and services in the project |
Management | Project management-related, scheduling, financial and contract procedures, timesheets, travel remuneration etc |
Creating pages
To create a new page, you should add a reference to it in the relevant section of the current document (scroll down). The syntax to do so is by enclosing the namespace name followed by colon followed by the intended page name in double square brackets, e.g.:
[[Research:Refining the E-CURATORS research questions|]] [[Research:Research questions|Refining the E-CURATORS research questions]]
As soon as you view the page and click on the link, you will be presented with a message saying that this page does not exist yet and the option to "Create this page". In the first case above, on clicking that option Dokuwiki will create a page named "Refining the E-CURATORS research questions" in the "Research" namespace, which you can then edit and view. In the second option, the page will be named "Research questions", with a different display title "Refining the E-CURATORS research questions", again in the "Research" namespace. The first option is fine in most cases.
Editing pages
To edit a page, use the "Edit draft" (or "Edit page") button on the right margin of the page. By default, you will be presented with a command ribbon that allows visual editing of the page. Use Heading 2, 3 etc. to add sections to the document. For internal links, use the syntax for creating a page in step 2 above (there are additional options). For external links, use the link button near the top right corner of the ribbon. To copy-paste text already written in Microsoft Word, please use the "Paste from Word" button in the bottom row of the ribbon - direct copy-pasting creates problems. When done, click on the Save button under the document edit window, on the left.