Collaborative workflows using MaxQDA

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Merging and splitting the project

  • MaxQDA files (.mx18) should only be worked on locally, by one user at a time. There is major risk of database corruption if the same file is being worked on my multiple users on different computers, as assisted by Dropbox sync, for instance.
  • We will therefore collaborate by exporting and importing MaxQDA Exchange files (.mex) on a task-by-task basis.
  • One administrative user will be responsible for managing these exports and imports by requesting that all users export exchange files, by importing those exchange files into a new document, and by communicating with all users about these changes in a timely manner.
  • The merge administrator will also be responsible for maintaining a synchronized directory on the cloud server containing the most up to date merged file, duplicates of merged files that are re-named to include each user's initials, exchange files exported by each user, and archives of prior work.
  • Users will work only with files containing their initials in the file name.
  • When it is time to export an exchange file, there are two options that users may follow:
    • In order to export an exchange file containing all changes made to a user's project file, users should select Export Exchange File from the Home menu.
    • Alternatively, to export only some aspects of the project, namely those that have been modified since the last merge, users shoudl select Export Teamwork: Export Data to Exchange File from the Teamwork menu.
  • Users should place their exchange files in the Working Directory folder and then notify the merge administrator that their export has been completed.
  • Once all exchange files have been assembled, the merge administrator will create a new project file and give it an appropriate name, according to the file naming scheme.
  • In this empty project, the merge administrator will select Import Teamwork: Import Data from Exchange File from the Teamwork menu, and add all files successively.
  • After zipping the outdated project files and exchange files, and then moving them from the working directory to an archive folder, the merge administrator will place the new merged file to the working directory, create duplicate versions with users' initials in their file names, and notify users that the new version is ready for them to access.
  • Users may have to update the paths to external files upon receiving new versions.

Accessing external files

  • MaxQDA does not change the external files. It just assigns timestamps or 'line-stamps' to codings that correspond with various parts of the file. It should be okay to keep the external files in a cloud-synced folder that we can all access. To set up a syncronized local folder:
    • Download the Nextcloud desktop client from [[1]]
    • In the 'host' field, include ``, and use the credentials supplied by Andres as login information.
    • Select which folders you would like to sync (i.e. MaxQDA external files) and press apply in the bottom right corner.
  • In the Preferences (MacOS) or Settings (Windows) menu, identify the correct folder in which MAXQDA should look for externally stored files as the Nextcloud-synced folder. MaxQDA only supports absolute paths (and not relative paths) when identifying external files and folders, so the location of this folder will be unique to your own computer.
  • Ensure that each individual document points to the correct file. To do this, right click on a document, select 'Properties' from the menu, and you will be able to see and modify the path to the desired file.


  • The backups folder on the Nextcloud server contains subfolders for each user. Synchronize the folder pertaining to you so that you can access that folder locally.
  • In the MaxQDA preferences or settings menu, change the folder where backup files are saved to your backup subfolder.
  • Ensure that backsups are made automatically on a regular basis by selecting these options in the preferences menu. When you load a mx18 file you will be prompted to save a backup if you have not done so in x days. Each backup will be timestamped, but the naming scheme can't be changed to include the user's name (hence the user subfolders).

User management

  • MaxQDA enables rudimentary user management settings. This is meant to help keep track of who makes what changes or codings, and allows us to compare how we code things in different ways so that we can potentially mitigate bias.
  • After every merge, select 'change user' from the 'teamwork' setting on the 'home' ribbon (icon is a human silhouette), select your username from the dropdown and enter your password.