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<strong>Welcome to the E-CURATORS Wiki!</strong> This site contains internal documentation on the E-CURATORS SSHRC Insight project. Only members of the E-CURATORS research team and research audit bodies within the University of Toronto are allowed to access its contents.
tour du lịch hạ long</a><br><br>[]
== Research ==
* [[Project workflow]]
* [[Research questions]]
* [[Case studies]]
** [[Case studies#ADS|Archaeology Data Service (ADS)]]
** [[Case studies#PKAP|Pyla Koutsopetria Archaeology Project (PKAP)]]
** [[Case studies#WARP|Western Argolid Regional Project (WARP)]]
* [[Literature review]]
** [[Literature review#Aims and scope|Aims and Scope]]
** [[Literature review#Data collection and cleaning procedure|Data collection and cleaning procedure]]
* [[Conceptual model]]
== Technical ==
* [[Collaborative workflows using MaxQDA]]
* [[Merging MaxQDA project files]]
* [[Transcription]]
* [[Transcript notation]]
* [[Media processing]]
* [[Nextcloud]]
* [[How to use this wiki]]
== Management ==
* [[E-CURATORS project team]]
* [[Meeting Minutes]]
== About this wiki ==
This site is based on the [ MediaWiki] open source software, with some additional plugins to allow for editing refinements. See MediaWiki's [ User's Guide] for detailed information on how to use the wiki.
=== Other platforms ===
; Nextcloud
: File hosting platform where our data resides. Used to share and synchronize data among users.
; Asana
: Used to plan and discuss actionable tasks.
=== MediaWiki Documentation ===
* [ User's Guide]
* [ MediaWiki FAQ]
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* [ Configuration settings list]

Revision as of 12:19, 28 December 2020

tour du lịch hạ long</a>