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* [[Collaborative workflows using MaxQDA]]
* [[Collaborative workflows using MaxQDA]]
* [[Transcription]]
* [[Transcription]]
* [[Timestamps]]
* [[Transcript notation]]
* [[How to use the wiki]]
* [[How to use the wiki]]
* [[Media processing]]
* [[Media processing]]

Revision as of 15:12, 6 January 2020

Welcome to the E-CURATORS Wiki! This site contains internal documentation on the E-CURATORS SSHRC Insight project. Only members of the E-CURATORS research team and research audit bodies within the University of Toronto are allowed to access its contents.




About this wiki

This site is based on the MediaWiki open source software, with some additional plugins to allow for editing refinements. See MediaWiki's User's Guide for detailed information on how to use the wiki.

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File hosting platform where our data resides. Used to share and synchronize data among users.
Used to plan and discuss actionable tasks.

MediaWiki Documentation